From little acorns, mighty oaks grow

Year 1 - Oak National Summer Classroom
Year 1 English
The units chosen are all fiction and narrative units as we believe stories provide the most engaging hook to stimulate reluctant learners or those who need to make accelerated progress. Importantly, vocabulary, sentence structure and turn of phrase are actively mastered orally which means they are effectively embedded before use in writing. This leads to fluent, high-quality independent writing that follows.
Monkeys and Hats focusses on developing pupils’ ability to communicate a problem that is engaging for the reader. Honey and Trouble focusses on developing pupils’ abilities to convey character, in a way that the reader cares about the choices the character makes. How Coyote Brought Fire to Earth focusses on developing pupils’ abilities to describe a scene and paint a clear picture in the mind of the reader. Ganesh gets Married focusses on developing pupils’ abilities to set a mood, and evoke an emotional response in the reader
Unit - Oak National Academy ( - Year 1 unit 10 lessons Focus: Character
Unit - Oak National Academy ( - Year 1 unit 10 lessons Focus: Problem
Year 1 Maths
These priority units have been selected because they include the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) ‘Ready to Progress’ criteria. All lessons from each of these units have been included because of the highly cumulative nature of the learning within each unit.
These were designed as goals for learning for the end of a school year, so can be a helpful guide to identify where pupils have been unable to access the level of knowledge and understanding you would expect them to have by this stage
Maths lessons for Key Stage 1 students - Oak National Academy (
Use the list below to choose the most appropriate unit for your child.