From little acorns, mighty oaks grow

Year 4 - Oak National Summer Classroom
Year 4 English
We have prioritised lessons that deliver ‘reading for pleasure’, in order to promote a wide range of age appropriate, rich content and encourage independent reading. An additional single narrative reading unit has been selected to exemplify the focus on background knowledge and vocabulary and an exploration of characterisation and themes.
A complete writing unit has been selected for each year group. This is generally a narrative unit, incorporating the range of knowledge and skills required to write successfully at the specified age range. It will provide a motivating and highly contextualised opportunity to reinforce a wide range of knowledge and skills within a single unit, based on a specific concept.
A selection of discrete grammar and spelling lessons have been chosen which cover key knowledge and skills for the year group – which will help review and reinforce content covered during the year, and prepare a firm basis for what is coming next.
Unit - Oak National Academy ( Year 4 Reading unit (8 lessons)
Unit - Oak National Academy ( Year 4 Writing unit (11 lessons)
Unit - Oak National Academy ( Year 4 Grammar unit (5 lessons)
Unit - Oak National Academy ( Year 4 Spelling unit (12 lessons)
Year 4 Maths
These priority units have been selected because they include the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) ‘Ready to Progress’ criteria. All lessons from each of these units have been included because of the highly cumulative nature of the learning within each unit.
These were designed as goals for learning for the end of a school year, so can be a helpful guide to identify where pupils have been unable to access the level of knowledge and understanding you would expect them to have by this stage.
Maths lessons for Key Stage 2 students - Oak National Academy (
Please use the list below to find the appropriate units