From little acorns, mighty oaks grow

Year 3
Welcome back to Term 4. We hope you had a wonderful half term. We are looking forward to another busy term.
PE days are Tuesday and Thursday.
Forest School - Tuesday
Term 4 - This term our whole school focus is Sustainability.
In English, our focus for this term is ‘The Great Kapok Tree.’ We will be focusing on persuasive writing as the book introduces the idea of forest sustainability and protecting our environment from the point of view of the animals which live in forests. We are also going to be looking at Rainforest poetry and writing our own, which will include some similes and alliteration.
Maths - We will be beginning to look at fractions, so will be building on our understanding of what is a half, quarter and thirds. We will then be moving onto learning about mass and capacity. This is a great opportunity for you to discuss at home in the kitchen, if you are doing any baking or cooking with your children.
Please don't forget to also practise times-tables at home using TTRockstars.
Homework -
Ensure you listen to your child read each night and then sign the reading record.
TTRS - Children can use the Times Tables Rockstars app to learn their times tables. Practising little and often will help the children with learning their tables.
Atom - We have a few questions each week to help the children recap their learning.
EdShed - Practising the spellings using games will improve spellings and word knowledge - we set this weekly.
Completing homework will help children in their learning and reinforce knowledge and memory.
Birchwood Class:
Class Teacher: Mrs Tristram
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Roberts
Headingley Class:
Class Teachers: Mrs Moore
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Adair, Mrs Herath