From little acorns, mighty oaks grow
Year 5
Class Teacher: Mrs Kyte
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Hicks
Class Teacher: Mrs. Fullagar
Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Chilton/Mrs Vella
P.E. Term 2 Mondays and swimming on Tuesdays
Reading records: Signed and given in every Friday
Homework: Atom to be completed by Friday in addition to Spelling Shed and TTRockstars being available for children to practice during the week as well.
Term 2 The Arts
Hello and Welcome to Year 5 Term 2!
Some might say this term is the best term. Others may say it is the busiest. Whatever you think we will be enjoying some fabulous new topics.
Our new class text is Malamander - further information on the book warmer below. Safe to say this will stretch the children's imagination.
We will be introducing our first history topic looking at the Ancient Greeks- should be exciting!
This is only a snippet of the learning in term 2. Please refer to the book warmer for more information on Malamander and the termly overview for more curriculum reveals.
Don't forget : Renew your stationery
Sort out your swimming gear (including swimming hats - the new must -have accessory!)
BUT above all - have a lovely half term and come back refreshed for the Christmas term! :)