From little acorns, mighty oaks grow
The Curriculum
Our Palace Wood Curriculum Vision:
We pride ourselves on providing a broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum which acts as a starting point to stimulate our core values challenge, courage, curiosity and compassion and aims to shape our children for the future.
Subject leaders work closely with year group teams to create a sequence of learning that builds on previous learning in a coherent manner. It is planned and plaited together so that it connects in sensible and logical ways.
The curriculum also aims to be clear. Clear in what the children will know and be able to do. Knowledge Organisers are used to supplement where needed to support pupils' acquisition of this knowledge.
Our curriculum is built with the broader community in mind. We aim to invite members in or work closely with those around us. Even with the restrictions that Covid-19 has presented us with, we still strive to keep those links alive.
It also aims to be creative in offering children opportunities to develop their critical thinking skills, their fluency of knowledge and their independence. This is done through making connections, experimenting, interpreting and playing.
Our curriculum is text rich and often learning is through stories. We aim that using this approach can help our pupils to show compassion and allows them to develop empathy for others points of view.
The overviews below provide an idea of how text is woven into many aspects of our curriculum and how they are chosen to provide diversity in themes, contexts and authors.